TryHackMe: Inclusion room walkthrough

3 min readJun 4, 2021


This is a write up covering steps taken to solve a beginner level security challenge on local file inclusion : Inclusion room in TryHackMe platform.

This blog is written as part of task of Masters Certification in Red Team Program from HackerU.

Step 1 : Connect to TryHackMe and start target machine.

  1. Download OpenVPN configuration setting from TryHackMe platform
  2. Connect to TryHackMe by running the command in kali terminal:

sudo openvpn /pathtoOVPNfile.ovpn

3. Start machine in ‘inclusion’ room — target ip address will be displayed in a minute.

Step 2 : Information gathering using Nmap

  1. Start nmap scan of the target ip:

nmap -A -O <target ip>

nmap output

Step 3: Detailed Findings

Open ports:

22 : SSH OpenSSH 7.6psi

80 : http Werkzeug httpd 0.16.0

1. Accessing open ports

port 80

2. Click on View details under ‘LFI-attack’, got a hint for exploring LFI

Highlight is the hint

3. Accessing ../../../../etc/passwd by entering it in url for ‘name’ parameter

passwd file is displayed which has 1 user with password highlighted below

4. As port 22 is open, attempted SSH login with found user name and password and login was successful.

ssh <username>@<targetip>

5. Found user.txt flag

6. To find root flag, checked for sudo privileges, found root NOPASSWD permission for /usr/bin/socat

sudo -l

7. As user can gain root access through socat, search for sudo command to gain privileges in gtfobin

8. Run below command in kali, user gains root access

sudo socat stdin exec:/bin/sh

9. Navigate to root folder and found root.txt

With these steps, I was able to answer questions posted in inclusion room on TryHackMe.

Thank you for reading this blog..




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